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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Architectural Design Competition- A One Stage Design Ideas Competition

Architectural Design Competition- A One Stage Design Ideas Competition
The Design Competition will be held in two Categories: (Open for Nepalese Participants Only) 

1. Student Category 
 2. Professional Category 
                                  Theme of the design competition will be “Universal Design” - Public Toilet for All Objective: The aim of this design competition is to educate students and the professionals on the diverse needs of today’s society, to develop a comprehensive understanding on the issues relating to Universal Design and Accessibility, and to encourage and sensitize the professional Architects to be more socially responsible in addressing and implementing accessibility with their professional knowledge, skill sets and creativity. The outcome of the design competition will help to create a National Standard in providing accessible toilets for all in Nepal. 
              The design entries from the 10 winning finalists in each category will be displayed as part of an awareness campaign during and after the events. Top five winners will be awarded with The Certificate and Prize Money at the end of the Half-day Symposium on Architecture and Social Responsibility in Kathmandu, Nepal scheduled for 10th October 2013 THE HOST ORGANIZATION: The Design Competition is organized by ARCASIA Committee on Social Responsibility (ACSR) and will be facilitate by SONA (Society of Nepalese Architects) with the close co-ordination of DPOs and its leaders in Nepal. 

                         Student Category Teams consisting of a maximum of two students enrolled in a degree-granting college of architecture or university in Nepal are invited to participate in student category. 2. Professional Category Any architectural firms or individual architects practicing in the construction industry and recognized by any of professional organization such as SONA, NEA, NEC or any authorized government body in Nepal, are eligible to participate in the Competition. 
                     THE PARTICIPANTS: 1. The eligible participants are people who have completed all registration processes and are assigned a Registration Number in Nepal. 2. The Registration should be done on behalf of participants’ name and should be able to be responsible for their design. 

                     1. The Registration is FREE OF CHARGE!
      2. Please obtained the Registration Form and basic design criteria (TOR) at or download it from or www. and return the registration form to: 
                  3. Registration is the initial requirement to enter this Competition and a Registration Number will be assigned to each Applicant upon successful registration.
                   4. Registration close on: 30th August 2013, Midnight (Nepal time) 
              5. Submission Deadline: September 7th, 2013 midnight (Nepal time) (NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED) Awards Presentation Ceremony: The Certificate and Prize Money will be presented to the Competition Winners at the end of the Half-day Symposium on Architecture and Social Responsibility in Kathmandu, Nepal scheduled for 10th October 2013 
                Total Prize Money Rs 230,000/- (Two Lakhas Thirty Thousands Only). 
 Professional Categories: • 1st Prize: Rs 50,000/- 
                                        • 2nd Prize: Rs 40,000/- 
                                       • 3rd Prize: Rs 30,000/ 
                                       • 4th Prize: Rs 15,000/- 
                                       • 5th Prize: Rs 15,000/- 
 Student Categories: 
                                 • 1st Prize: Rs 25,000/- 
                                 • 2nd Prize: Rs 20,000/- 
                                 • 3rd Prize: Rs 15,000/- 
                                 • 4th Prize: Rs 10,000/-
                                 • 5th Prize: Rs 10,000/-. 
JURORS • Ar. Tan Pei Ing (President of ARCASIA) 
• Ar. Swarup Gurung Koney (President of SONA) 
• Ar. Joseph Kwan (ACSR Chair/ Universal Design and Access Expert) 
• Ar. Kishor Thapa (Secretary of the Ministry of Urban Development) 
• Miss. Amrita Gyawali (Disability Right Activist/Leader) 
Question Deadline: August 15th, 2013.
 All enquiries and questions should be sent by email to or you can contact Mr. Deepak K.C directly at: 98 4135 3080

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