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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Architecture of Nepal

Architecture is the art of planning ,designing and constructing buildings.Nepal architecture is famous all over the world.It has influenced aechitects from other country as well.Architecture of ancient and medieval Nepal has been proved scientifically excellent.It is considered as a major part of Nepalese cultural heritage.The architecture of Nepal can be divided and explained into four major types:-(a).The pagoda style:The pagoda style are multiered temple with large base and proportionately decreasing upper part with roof and pinnacles at the top.The grounf floor is called sanctum which consists of the god that is worshipped.The upper storeys have space for storing god's property.The NYATAPOLA and DATTATREYA temples of Bhaktapur,CHANDESWARI of Banepa,KASTHAMANDUP and TALEJU are some of the rare structures built during the Malla period .The Gorkha Durbar,nine -storey palae of Basantapur ,etc.,were built by Shah kings.(b).The shikhar style:The shikhar style looks like the peak of a mountain.From the outside it is divided into five or nine parts in a vertical manner.The topmost part of each structure consists of pinnacle.It does not compromise of a roof.The Krishna temple and Mahaboudha temple of Patan are the specimen of shikhar style.The Mahaboudha temple is also called temple of one thousand Buddhas and temple with ten thousand eyes.(c).The stupa style:The word stupa is the combination of Ashi +Yupa meaning hillock or raised part.In the other words,a stupa is a shrine with a broad base of its gradual upward narrowing.Unlike stupa in the past,the present stupa is erected in the memory of important of Buddhists personalities.Swayambhu amd Bouddhanath is the best example of it.(d).Gumbaj,Mugal and other styles:The temples with all four outer parts are closely adjoined collectively khnown as Gumbaj style.The Janaki temple of Janakpur is built in Gumbaj style.A separate temple of Janaki exists inside the wonderful outer structure of the temple.Besides this,a number of Gumbaj and Mugal style temples are singing the glory of the past in various parts of the terai region.Pachpannajhyale palace of Bhaktapur is an excellent model of architecture in Nepal.

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