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Sunday, January 13, 2013


Nepal is a country of divergences.The divergennces are the result of the topogrphy of the country.Mountains and valleys have separated one part from another.As a result the living style of people ,their customs,languages and dress are different.People of different castes and ethnic groups live here.Among them are Brahmin ,Chhetri ,Newar,Tharu,Magar, Rai,Limbu,Sherpa and others.Inspite of the different places ,castes,customs,dress and languages,nepali people live together like a garland made of different flowers.they participate in each others ' social functions,and festivals.Our social values and norms have mixed together and have become common to all.We have the same national feelings .We belongs to one nation .Joys and miseries,songs and epics ,culture and festivals have become coomon. Let us sacrifice our selfishness,forsake our hatred and anger and live peacefully.This is what our forefather have taught us . We should maintain this tradition and do good deeds.
We Nepalese are peace loving .We want peace in the society .We follow the path of Buddha who taught us non -violence .We do not like the people who disturb peace in the society .We condemn their deeds .Bhrikuti and Seeta are our ideals. One of our social traditions is to respect our parents .We show them great respect.We regard them as gods .So we observe "Father's Day and ''Mother 's Day '.Similarly ,we show respect to the elder in the family as well as to the older in the society .We also respect our 'guru'(TEACHER)and observe 'Teachers' Day'. Our social tradition is to show due regard to the guest .Whenever a guest comes to our house ,we let him stay at home and give him food to eat.Likewise,we never let the needy return empty -handed from our door . Similarly ,the name -giving ceremony to an infants initiatory rite ,marriage ,obsequies rites are our traditions .We observe them according to our social customs which may be different from others.

              Nepal is home to seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Kathmandu Valley and visitors will have plenty to see and do during their stay. One of the heritage sites is the Chitwan National Park.
Most holiday packages cover visits to sacred sites like Swaybhunath Temple, Pasupatinath Temple and Boudhnath Temple apart from Patan Durbar Square in Kathmandu.
There is also an optional trip to the Tibetan Refugee Camp and the Handicraft Centre where customers can witness hand-weaving of beautiful Tibetan carpets and mounding of metal statues.
Malaysia is one of Nepal’s major trading partners. On top of that, Nepal supplies workers to Malaysia. Therefore, it made sense for MAS to capture opportunities from the KL-Kathmandu route by scheduling its inaugural flight in that sector on Sept 1, 2012.

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